

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff Quickly

Hair is a part of the body that is in desperate need of care so that its condition is maintained healthy and strong, because as we all know that this hair is indeed very susceptible to various damage disorders such as loss, branching until one of the problems that often arises is dandruff, wrong one type of dandruff that is also unsettling is crusty ketomber.

This crusty dandruff is one of the most annoying types of dandruff because it is accompanied by a dry and itchy scalp, for the cause itself is quite diverse, ranging from dead skin cells that accumulate, and due to lack of cleanliness of hair and scalp or even due to malseizza fungus, a fungus which will make the oil glands break down, making the bacteria in the hair become a lot and form fatty acids which will cause dry and itchy scalp and dandruff.

Indeed, now the solution that can be considered easy is to use products such as shampoo and hair remedies that are usually sold at the nearest pharmacy or drug store, but it can backfire because if we choose the shampoo or hair care product we use, this can make the hair health condition even worse. therefore to eliminate crusty dandruff like this using natural methods is a better choice, for more information, see the following reviews:


Besides containing quite high levels of vitamin C, this Lime Fruit also contains enough acid to make the scalp healthy and eradicate the fungus or bacteria that cause damage to the scalp and dandruff on the hair, and for how to use it is also quite easy, you just need to follow simple step by step as below:

Provide 1 lemon, then squeeze it until you get enough moisture from the lime juice.
Before that, make sure the head hair is clean and moistened with water.
Then just pour the lime juice into the scalp while doing a small massage to make lime juice soak up to the maximum.
Wait and let stand for at least 30 minutes until itching appears.
Now that it's enough, rinse your hair and head again with a shampoo that matches your head.
Aloe vera

I am sure everyone here knows that this Aloe Vera Plant is very efficacious for hair care business, this is undeniable given the number of hair care products whose basic ingredients are made from aloe vera, this aloe vera is very effective for treating and removing crusty ketomber because can eradicate fungi on dandruff and remove dead scalp cells.

For how to apply it is not difficult, just apply aloe vera gel that has been separated with the skin of the aloe plant to the scalp and hair regularly and let stand for at least 20 minutes, then rinse again using clean water.

Olive oil

Just like Aloe Vera, this olive oil also has considerable benefits for hair treatment especially for removing crusty dandruff on this head hair, it is supported because of the high content of vitamin E in olive oil where vitamin E is believed to make the scalp healthy and strong and existing dandruff can disappear quickly.

Provide 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
Smear your head hair with olive oil by giving a small massage using your palm.
Wrap the hair using a towel and let the olive oil soak up to 30 minutes.
Well, after that, just rinse your head hair again with anti-dandruff shampoo so that the results of this treatment are maximal.
Some of the methods above for how to get rid of dandruff are very easy and the natural ingredients can also be found anywhere, so there is no reason not to apply them. By the way about hair care, one type of treatment that is the current trend is coloring hair, some golden brown and reddish hair colors are usually a lot of interest in people, well for those of you who want to dye your hair, please be more careful because it could be becomes a trigger for hair damage if not done properly.
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff Quickly Natural Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff Quickly Reviewed by Mysterio on September 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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